Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

SHINee's Minho 22nd Birthday - 121209

09 – 12 – 2012

Today is Minho’s Birthday!

Happy 22nd Birthday to My Uri Beloved Flaming Charisma Choi Minho!!!

Minho, it’s your special day! You’re my bias and forever will always be. I wanna see you soon and all the SHINee members. My birthday boy, you will always be my top bias in the Kpop World. Keep on making us proud, don’t let your haters bring you down. Me, Shawols, especially Flamers, don’t care about what other people say something bad about you. No one is perfect, but for me, you’re imperfectly perfect.

I hope that the day is full of joy and that you are able to spend it with those you wish to spend it with. May all your wishes come true! Amin. Stay happy, stay health, longlife, and be you always!

Thank you very much for being the way you are and making all us Shawols happy. I think, there’s no more reason to not love him. I  L-O-V-E  Y-O-U, C-H-O-I  M-I-N-H-O!!!!!!!!!

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Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Minho dan Sulli Berbagi Ciuman di To The Beautiful You

*Minhoku sweet banget :3*

Rabu-Kamis seri SBS To The Beautiful You baru saja merilis foto-foto SHINee Minho dan f (x) 's Sulli berbagi ciuman di depan air mancur.

Episode terakhir dari seri, yang akan udara pada tanggal 4 Oktober, Sulli dan Minho mengungkapkan kasih sayang mereka terhadap satu sama lain dan mengirim perasaan cinta kepada penonton melalui layar kecil.

Sulli mengunjungi Minho, yang meninggalkan sekolah untuk menghadiri Festival Olahraga Nasional. Minho membawa Sulli ke taman dan mereka naik sepeda bersama-sama. Setelah kencan yang menyenangkan, tepat sebelum mereka mengucapkan selamat tinggal satu sama lain, mereka berbagi ciuman manis dan mengekspresikan perasaan mereka.

Adegan ciuman diambil pada tanggal 28 September di Goyang, Gyeonggi-do. Karena anggota staf harus mengatur kamera matriks untuk adegan, Sulli dan Minho harus menunggu untuk waktu yang lama. Tapi dua bintang menghargai pertunjukan air mancur dan menikmati penembakan bersama-sama seperti pasangan nyata.

Perusahaan produksi mengatakan, "Meskipun kedua telah menyatakan perasaan mereka yang sebenarnya, karena Sulli menyamar sebagai anak laki-laki dan menghadiri sekolah anak, cinta mereka akan menghadapi banyak hambatan. Harap mendukung pasangan untuk mengatasi semua kesulitan sampai akhir. "

Episode terakhir dari seri akan mengudara pada 4 Oktober pada 09:55

Sumber: TV Report
Translate: @dyanametaa dyanameta.blogspot.com

SHINee - Minho Menyatakan Cintanya Untuk f(x) Sulli di To The Beautiful You

Tae Jun (played by SHINee’s Minho) and Jae Hee (played by f(x)’s Sulli) show affection for each other.

In the episode of SBS TV’s drama series To The Beautiful You that aired on October 3, Jae Hee tells Tae Jun that she is actually a girl.

However, Tae Jun gives Jae Hee a hug and says, “I knew it. I wanted to tell you, but I had to pretend that I didn’t know. I love you.

At this, Jae Hee drops tears.

Eun Gyul (played by Lee Hyun Woo) feels betrayed by Jae Hee after finding out that she is actually a girl.

Translate Indonesia

Tae Joon (diperankan oleh SHINee Minho) dan Jae Hee (diperankan oleh f (x) 's Sulli) menunjukkan kasih sayang satu sama lain.

Dalam episode dari serial drama SBS TV To The Beautiful You yang ditayangkan pada 3 Oktober, Jae Hee mengatakan ke Tae Joon bahwa dia sebenarnya seorang gadis.

Namun, Tae Joon memberikan Jae Hee pelukan dan berkata, "Aku tahu itu. Aku ingin mengatakan padamu, tapi aku harus berpura-pura bahwa saya tidak tahu. Aku mencintaimu. "

Pada saat ini, Jae Hee air mata tetes.

Eun Gyul (diperankan oleh Lee Hyun Woo) merasa dikhianati oleh Jae Hee setelah mengetahui bahwa dia sebenarnya seorang gadis.

Sumber: Xportsnews
Translate: @dyanametaa dyanameta.blogspot.com

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Key's and Nicole's Birthday Party

Key on me2day 27.09.12 ♥

[Key] 니콜 &범 합동 생일파티 ..너무 재밌었어요 내년에는 더 크게합시다 :-) 다들놀러오세요

[Key] Joint Birthday Party Nicole and Beom .. It's really fun. Next year we will have a larger party :-) Everybody come and play!

Senin, 27 Agustus 2012

2MIN 4th Anniversary. 10 facts about 2min and 10 photos about 2min

27-08-2008 until 27-08-2012


Today the anniversary of 2MIN to 4 years. 
I hope they are still romantic, cute, sexy hot, intimate, and happy forever.

I wanted to share 10 facts about 2MIN and 10 photos 2MIN, this is it:

10 Facts about 2MIN:
''I don't know if Taemin knows, but I care about him. Taemin-ah, you know it right? After all, you only have me right?'' - Minho

MC: If you were a girl, which SHINee member would you like to date?
Minho: Taemin
MC: And Taemin, if you were a girl, which SHINee member would you like to date?
Taemin: Minho hyung
Minho: *smile*

Minho said if Taemin girl she would have to be chasing Taemin and Taemin responded "do you feel hot beside me?"

Minho said "dongsaeng-ah saranghae" to Taemin at M! Countdown and Taemin replied by saying "of course, I make up half of you hyung"

UFO reply Minho
Fan : how much do you love Taemin? As big as the sky and land?
Minho : as big as the sky and land? No . I can’t think of  a word . it’s more than the sky and land

Minho admitted that he likes to do selca with Taemin, but she was ashamed to share it.

When speaking at Santafe minho, Onew and minho key try not to bother him so concerned with the talk, but they did not succeed. But when asked Taemin looked minho key in a short distance, turned directly toward Taemin Minho smiled. And Taemin immediately smiled shyly.

Minho was attracted to Taemin while they are still in the trainee. And he never shows photos Taemin to his friends and said, "Is not he so cute?"

In one drama M! Countdown to another:
Minho: "If I was class president, I will kiss you all''
Taemin: "Hyung, I will choose you"
Minho: "Yes, I believe you''

Taemin once said "Hyung please love me even more" and Minho replied "Does Taemin know that I love him more than another"

10 photos 2MIN:

Post by dyanameta.blogspot.com

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

''To The Beautiful You'' Adegan Ciuman Minho dan Sulli

Potongan gambar terbaru Sulli dan Minho sedang melakukan adegan ciuman dimalam hari untuk drama To The Beautiful You SBS diungkap.
Antisipasi diantara para penggemar semakin meningkat dengan adanya gambar terbaru ini. Adegan ini akan diperlihatkan pada episode kedua, dan gambar ini menceritakan momen ketika Minho mendorong Sulli ke tembok untuk mendaratkan sebuah kecupan di bibirnya.
Para penggemar mungkin penasaran dengan apa yang terjadi di lokasi, dan produser mengungkapkan bahwa adegan ini dibutuhkan 15 kali agar sempurna. Mungkin mengejutkan banyak orang, karena Minhosebenarnya sangat malu dan wajahnya menjadi merona sedangkan Sulli sangat fokus dengan adegan tersebut.
Produser menyatakan, “Sulli dan Minho memperlihatkan kerja sama team yang sempurna. Karena mereka bekerjasama setiap hari, saya merasa mereka menjadi lebih dekat. Drama ini akan menawarkan sebuah romansa yang penuh debaran hati yang akan membuat hati pasa pemirsa kami juga ikut berdebar.”

Sumber Nate
Post by dyanameta.blogspot.com

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

120811-120812 Buku Harian Seung-chan [Seungri - BIGBANG]

120811 Kejutan Seung-chan:
Hari ini saya melakukan rekaman untuk acara prime time, “Tuesday Surprise!” Saya makan banyak makanan bersama dengan Ishizuka-san, Wentz-san, dan Hisamoto-san!!
Cara Ishizuka-san mengatakan ‘maiu~~~’ (enak) sanga lucu! Saya terkejut ketika mengetahui bahwa ia memiliki umur yang sama dengan ayah saya.. Selama proses syuting saya terus-menerus memanggilkan ‘ayah’. Kemudian ia memuji saya dengan berkata, “V.I, kamu lucu!” Wentz-san mengetahui banyak tempat untuk bersenang-senang dan ia berkata bahwa ia akan membawa saya ke sana. Jika berbicara mengenai bersenang-senang saya juga tidak akan kalah hahahahahaha
Dan juga, Hisamoto-san berkata bahwa ia masih sendiri dan merasa kesepian. Kemudia ia berkata, “V.I maukah kamu berkencan denganku?” Mendengar itu dari super senior Hisamoto-san, ekspresi saya menjadi “???????”, maafkan saya, saya sudah memiliki pacar di Korea dan Jepang. Saya laki-laki jahat.
Futari no sekai~~~Magyakuna noni~~~ (meskipun kita berasal dari dunia yang bertentangan) *rap T.O.P dari lagu “Bad Boy” versi Jepang.
Saya ingin bertemu T.O.P-kun~
Acara “Tuesday Surprise!” direncanakan untuk acara spesial 1 jam!
Semuanya, tolong nantikan (^-^)/ Setelah ini, saya akan tampil dalam berbagai acara prime time! Itu karena saya terkenal! Saya tidak dapat menahannya, saya tidak punya waktu, maafkan saya!
120812 Kembang Api Seung-chan:
Hari ini saya pergi menonton festival kembang api terbesar di Jepang! Saya memesan tempat di restoran sushi di hotel kelas atas dan menonton kembang api sambil makan sushi! Bukan kah ini sangat bergaya? Jika kalian menjadi pacara saya, saya yakin kalian akan senang!
Kalimat itu agak sedikit mengganggu, kan~~~
Saya selalu pergi ke restoran ini dan sudah sekian lama sejak terakhir kali saya datang. Sehingga pemiliknya menyiapkan tuna yang sangat besar untuk saya!! Dan juga ada udang besar!
Sebagian besar pengunjung di restoran ini menggunakan yukata dan mereka terlihat sangat cantik! Namun itu sangat mahal T_T Tidak ada waktu santai untuk pria miskin seperti saya..
Saya tidak dapat menahannya, saya tidak punya waktu, maafkan saya. Semuanya bagus karena makanannya sangat enak! Lain kali saya akan datang lagi bersama dengan semua anggota!

Source: @12akane02 dcvi and @untwisting via bigbangupdates
English Translation: marthapido
English to Bahasa: FinCh @ BigBangIndonesia

Post by @dyanametaa

Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

Promotor ''SMTOWN INA Adalah Show Terbesar di INDONESIA

Setelah ditunggu-tunggu oleh pecinta musik K-pop di Indonesia, akhirnya SM Entertainment memastikan Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara tempat persinggahan perhelatan SMTOWN World Tour III nya.
SM Entertainment sendiri merupakan manajemen yang telah sukses menelorkan artis-artis yang menjadi idola di Korea maupun di belahan dunia lainnya. Nama-nama seperti Super Junior, BoA, TVXQ, Girls Generation, SHINee, f(x), atau EXO tentu sudah akrab di telinga K-pop lovers di manapun.
“Ini show terbesar yang pernah diadakan di lndonesia. SMTOWN ini adalah yang pertama kalinya digelar di Indonesia,” ucap Sean Sudwikatmono selaku perwakilan dari W Production saat konferensi pers SMTOWN World Tour in Jakarta, di Sands Ballroom Mangga Dua Square, Jakarta Utara, Senin (6/8).
Ditambahkan oleh Sean, bahwa dirinya merasa begitu terbebani dengan konser akbar musik Korea ini. Terutama karena selama perhelatan musisi/penyanyi yang ditanganinya, SMTOWN adalah yang paling komplit.
“Ini beda dengan yang pernah kita buat. Ini konser terbesar yang pernah ada di Indonesia. Beban ini kami merasa cukup besar,” lanjut Sean. (kpl/ato/sjw)
Source KapanLagi.com
Post by dyanameta.blogspot.com

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

[NEWS] BoA comeback stage dengan Taemin SHINee pada 'Inkigayo'

BoA akhirnya akan menampilkan comeback stage, tapi dia tidak akan melakukannya sendirian. Pada siaran 29 Juli mendatang SBS Inkigayo, BoA akan mengambil stage dengan single terbaru ''Only One''

Selama penampilannya Only One pada hari ini, BoA akan menari dengan Taemin SHINee.

Dia juga melakukan Only One dengan U-Know Yunho TVXQ dalam pertunjukan comeback khusus, BoA4354 yang dijadwalkan udara pada tanggal 28 Juli di SBS.

BoA juga akan menampilkan The Shadow bersama dengan Only One di Inkigayo. Lirik The Shadow ditulis oleh BoA, yang memungkinkan dirinya untuk mengekspresikan rasa terima kasihnya kepada fans yang telah terjebak dengan dia seperti bayangan selama ini.

Berbeda dengan Only One, The Shadow lebih dekat dengan sebuah lagu tari pop dengan beat yang lebih kuat.

BoA merilis album ketujuh pada 22 Juli dan telah menerima popularitas dengan Only One. Dimulai pada tanggal 29 Juli dia akan secara aktif memulai aktivitas ketujuh album.

Sumber / Kredit: eNewsWorld
Translate and Post by: dyanameta.blogspot.com @dyanametaa

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

BIGBANG - Seungri's Diary Update ''Christiano Seungnaldo''

24 JULI 2012 

Another diary update from Big Bang's Seungri. Check it out below.

“Christiano Seungnaldo ” 

I’ve come back to Japan from China!
How are you guys?? I missed you so much (^-^)/
I was supposed to take the night flight, but suddenly changed it to the morning flight!
It’s because I had a plan to play football at night.

Yesterday, I played football game with TOP-kun, so I feel like wanted to play football too. Then, I contacted my friends and decided to play football!
Yes! I’m this kind of person!
I’m really impatient, so if I think of doing something, I’ll do it right away.
Can’t help it, please understand me.
The rain was falling gently but I don’t mind since I love football.

It’s okay even if I’m getting wet!!!
*I dont need it!! Rain is no good! What is this?!!
(Currently, Seung chan is practicing *Kansai dialect before the Yoshimoto Shinkigeki show..)

My favorite player is Cristiano Ronaldo. The reason is because he has a very good performance during the match and he’s skillful.
He’s making the football field as his stage.
The other reason is because he has been dating many cute girls. This really made me envious of him. I’ve never had any scandal even once.. so I respect him.

Today, at the field, there are some people that I don’t know. But we were having fun playing with a small ball, and we immediately became friends. Football is indeed awesome.
For today, I’ll stop here since my game is about to start soon! Please cheer for my victory!!

Source: DCVI@weibo//marthapido@tumblr
Post by; dyanameta.blogspot.com @dyanametaa 

BIGBANG - Seungri mengupdate ''Diary BIGBANG di Shanghai'' ''Seungri's Diary Update; BIGBANG in SHANGHAI''

23 JULI 2012

Another diary update from Big Bang's Seungri. Check it out below.

Today is officially the first live show in China! I wonder what is the response of everyone? I played football video games with T.O.P-kun before concert started, I won by 3-1!!

T.O.P said angrily:"You are a singer but why you are so good at playing games? Quit Bigbang, and be a professional video gamer instead"
T.O.P is so cute! ke ai! Ke ai means cute in Chinese. 

I said "ke ai" during the MC part in Shanghai con tonight, fans gave good comment cuz they thought it's hilarious! I wanted to speak more, but I am very poor in Chinese... I'm frustrated! T.T

I wanted to talk more interesting things! Even if it's not interesting but it's okay.... Am I really becoming a comedian?It's alright, I'm fine with either one. 
Anyway, I am contented when I see everyone is happy! ^_^ (I am very happy too)

I am leaving tomorrow..so lonely T.T
Although I feel like to know more about China but I have to go back to Japan tomorrow. My Aji (Seungri's doll dog) and the Dalmatian couple in my apartment are waiting for me!

I have no choice, I don't have time, I'm so sorry...
Shanghai zai jian (bye bye)...

Bigbang has worked hard too, good job! See you next week! Good Night!

Source: weibo//MaxineBluee@twitter
Post by dyanameta.blogspot.com @dyanametaa

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Lee Taemin's Birthday Party

  1. Minho didn't went to taemin birthday today
  2. Key gave Taemin shoes for his birthday
  3. Onew said he wanted to try Yesunim(Jesus) hair. Then Jonghyun said "Jejus hair~"
  4. Onew said he grew out his hair because he wanted to try a hairstyle but he didn't know they wouldn't trim it for him
  5. Onew didn't know Shawols would be so happy about him cutting his hair.
  6. SHINee on their most embarrassing moments: Taemin was going to say Jong's but Jong asked if Taemin is crazy & covered his mouth
  7. Onew says he gets drunk from half a can of beer
  8. Onew asked Taemin what he wants for his birthday. Taemin responded, "So I got my driver's license :)"
  9. Jjong doesn't drink beer
  10. Key was asked to praise Minho. Key said Minho is really very pure
  11. Jonghyun said he tells adult jokes a lot
  12. Taemin said the tickets for SWC II are really hard to get, he can't give it to his hyung, so his hyung have to buy them himself. His hyung wanted to buy 10 tickets buy ended up only manage to buy 2. Taemin said if any fans have extra ticket then they can sell them to his hyung
  13. Key said about taemin's sad and funny story. Taemin always wear the shoes for performance.. Jjong then asked whether taemin was wearing the performance shoes today.. taemin said "No! these are mine~ no? actually I don't know whose shoes are these...." Jjong then looked carefully at taemin shoes and said "Ah! these are my shoes!!" Taemin "No wonder the shoes are a bit big in size" Jjong "Those are mine! of course they are big!"
  14. Key said taemin danced to twinkle in his sleep quite often
  15. About onew 1st impression on key, onew said key wore too many accessories that time, so he only focused on them and didn't pay attention to Key's face
  16. Key imitating minho in a very exaggerated way
  17. Taking about minho, saying minho will be very proud if the person he gave the present to is very happy with the present, but he will hold the feeling and pretends like he doesn't care. Key then imitated minho's expression that time, conclusion, must acted like you're super happy when receiving present from minho
  18. Taemin blew out his candles with his nose. It kept lighting back up so he tried twice with his nose and once with his mouth
  19. Key said he would cover his face with his hair when he was a trainee. Jonghyun asked if he was a sea urchin
  20. Taemin surprised the fan who got picked (for a prize or something? idk) and the fan cried. She's a 95-er awh
  21. They sang and danced part of  MAMA.. taemin then called "kai-xi"
  22. Jonghyun says Taemin especially loves a type of wine on the plane 
  23. Key bid a standing cardboard for a shawol, a female student was chosen but she was very nervous on the stage, taemin then pretended as a tiger to scare her and she cried
  24. Key said he wore the flashiest clothes during Juliette. Taemin said it looked okay but it didn't look nice
  25. Onew 1st impression Minho; Alien
  26. Jjong said he will keep an eye to check whether anyone is recording the audio of the party
  27. Taemin sang a small part of Honesty at the end of the birthday party
  28. When asked which song Taemin listen recently, he said busker busker' if you really love me and sang a small part too